sterre en seeperde
hier, word bladsye gevul, met die asemteue van my hart. (Soos aanbeveel deur William Wordsworth)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Die ewige see.
"Wide sea,
that one continuous murmur
breeds along the pebbled shore
of memory!"
John Keats
"Those who live by the sea
can hardly form a single thought of which the sea
would not be part."
Hermann Broch
"To me, the sea is like a person
like a child that I've known a long time.
I never feel alone when I'm out there."
--Gertrude Ederle
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Gratitude, a gift to yourself, others and above all else, God...
From my favourite blogger, Ann Voskamp...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Kersfees koue tone, warm harte
aaa, ek is terug! Ek dink blogger gaan dit vir my doen.
Geseende Kersfees en 'n Voorspoedige Nuwe jaar vir die van julle wat nog oor is, soos Nikita en Sandra, dankie vir die inloer, jammer vir die stilte.
Die besige elke dag se lewe het opgevang met my...
Hier, net 'n paar wasige, sneeu foto's van ons Kersfees kuier by die skoonmense in Yank land. Dit was heerlik, ek bly maar 'n jas, serp, handskoene, hoed, kaggel, rooiwyn, liggies mens...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Blogger what have you done to me??
Oh my word, I was away for two months and now everything has changed??
My photos are HUGE when I upload it here, not nice, not nice at all...
My photos are HUGE when I upload it here, not nice, not nice at all...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Summer arrived on our island, it is always warm here, but now it is very, very hot.
I wish I could flee, like the "snowbirds" (rich Americans, that migrate between the States and the island, depending on the season)
The island is beautiful though, most of the flamboyants are in bloom and it is so green from all the rain of the past few weeks.
I wish I could flee, like the "snowbirds" (rich Americans, that migrate between the States and the island, depending on the season)
The island is beautiful though, most of the flamboyants are in bloom and it is so green from all the rain of the past few weeks.
I'm in holiday mood,
a laziness has entered my bones,
remembering the lazy dazy Summer holidays of my small town-farm life,
South African, childhood.
Shorts, homemade gingerbeer, cookies, the smell of a braai
a favourite cousin.
why is it that you can find anybody on facebook
the one person that you have been seeking for,
for years...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Creativity boot camp: Day 1: Ivory
my medium of choice, for this bootcamp- photography or maybe I'll mix it up, I'm the boss here, I can do what I like. ;)
my medium of choice, for this bootcamp- photography or maybe I'll mix it up, I'm the boss here, I can do what I like. ;)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
VJ Day
(click, click)
VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945 from Richard Sullivan on Vimeo.
I love Kodakchrome
as well as those
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
helen keller
a life of silence
turned into what?
with capitol letters!
a life of silence
turned into what?
with capitol letters!
Anne Sullivan
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
how was I born into this life that I have?
why are there so many others who are born
into war, abuse, poverty, suffering?
why are there so many others who are born
into war, abuse, poverty, suffering?
questions going through my mind after watching this film
my heart felt like it was ripped from my body
watch it
watch it
if you can stand
having your heart ripped to pieces
if you can stand
having your heart ripped to pieces
also having it built up again
by the wonderful children of Africa
with many dreams
like the one to become
"a musician who travels the world"
and many more
and many more
children of
you are in my heart
my thoughts
and my prayers
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
more vintage love
I think I told you last week
of my thrifty love
and how happy it makes me,
the ache in my tummy
from expectation,
the palpatations
on finding something worthwhile,
I dragged the Yankee husband off to the thrifty store last Saturday
little did I know
that my lovely husband
who travels light through the world,
who has not much use for material objects
who is free like a bird,
until he met me,
I have to say!
is the King of thrifters!
who would have guessed that!
I have never seen him
in thrifty heaven before
and I never knew!
well, to make a long story short
I dragged him off to look at an old Singer sewing machine
seeing that he is quite the expert on sewing machines,
having worked at a parachute factory
years ago
don't you love it when a man has talents that you can use?
so, he was quite shocked when he saw the condition of the machine
she was rather dirty and all
he hooked her up to his power cord
plugged her into the wall
it didn't take him long before he had a sparkle in his eye,
a sly smile on his lips
and to whisper to me: "she purrrrrs like a kitten"
no matter how dirty she was
or the few spots of peeling paint on her poor little body
she is a gem
a gem I'm telling you
so look and behold her beauty
she reminds me of a banana split with ice cream
eaten at a roadhouse in the 1950's
don't you just love that little green sewing lady?
I do
we ordered a manual on line
and Flo
just needs to be cleaned and re oiled
and the Yankee husband is confident that she will work like a dream
yes, ladies did I tell you that her name is Flo
and that I love her already?
we think that she is from the 60's
an era that I love
I also found a few more lovely objects,
like vintage glasses
and linen, like always
the photo at the top is of a pillowcase
that I got for free,
because it was stained,
who cares??
and my thrifty King of a Yankee husband
found treasures of his own
but that will have to wait for another
I'm again linking to lovely Colorado lady's
ooh, I can't wait to see all the other finds
has become
quite thrifty yummie
in the island shack
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentyn en woorde wat lewe gee 15
dis nooit te laat vir liefde nie
liefde is
liefde is
ek en die Yank het nie vir mekaar kaartjies
of geskenke gegee vir Valentynsdag nie
of geskenke gegee vir Valentynsdag nie
dit voel so onnodig
om een dag spesiaal te maak
toe sit ek so en dink in die kerk
elke dag met hom
toe sit ek so en dink in die kerk
elke dag met hom
is Valentynsdag
die volgende oomblik toe leun hy oor na my toe en fluister in my oor:
"Every day with you is Valentine's day..."
die volgende oomblik toe leun hy oor na my toe en fluister in my oor:
"Every day with you is Valentine's day..."
vir nog woorde wat lewe gee van my man.
ek hoop almal se Valentynsdag
en elke ander dag
was en is gevul met
Thursday, February 11, 2010
vintage love

one of my first finds, here
a little wooden box
with little areas for everything
and what not
I wasn't so sure about it
it reminded me of the dusty backrooms of old museums
with cobwebs and spiders
but I took it home anyway
and painted it cream,
filled it with some of my finds from the natural world,
hung it on the wall
and am loving it!
yesterday, I found this!
an embroidered clock!
it was dusty and dull
but I've learned not to take anything
at the thrifty store at face value
I brought it home
cleaned it up
and it looks absolutely lovely on our kitchen wall
I love handmade, crafty things
so much work went into this
I think it is an absolute gem
and it is in one of my all time favourite colours
olive green
so very vintagy!
check out the detail
embroidered love!
now all I need is to get a batery for it
and check if it still works
but I don't care about that
I love the look of it
ahhh, I love this
I will have to try and share every Thursday
thanks Colorado lady
lots of other lovely links on her blog!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
leef opsetlik
soos ek alreeds tevore gese het
is my woord vir die jaar
'n ander woord trek aan my hartsnare
vir 'n paar weke alreeds
opsetlik of dan 'intentional'
is my woord vir die jaar
'n ander woord trek aan my hartsnare
vir 'n paar weke alreeds
opsetlik of dan 'intentional'
dit is hoe ek wil leef
elke dag
elke uur
elke minuut
elke sekonde
wil ek
dit is hoe ek wil leef
elke dag
elke uur
elke minuut
elke sekonde
wil ek
laat tel
ek wil he dit moet betekenis he
dit is 'n uitdaging vir my
want ek kan die tyd so laat verby gaan
sonder om daarna op te let
deur dit om te wens
deur dit te mors
ek wil he dit moet betekenis he
dit is 'n uitdaging vir my
want ek kan die tyd so laat verby gaan
sonder om daarna op te let
deur dit om te wens
deur dit te mors
Pronunciation: \in-ˈtench-nəl, -ˈten(t)-shə-nəl\
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1677
1 : done by intention or design : intended
2 a : of or relating to epistemological intention b : having external reference
Pronunciation: \in-ˈtench-nəl, -ˈten(t)-shə-nəl\
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1677
1 : done by intention or design : intended
2 a : of or relating to epistemological intention b : having external reference
Pronunciation: \sim-ˈpli-sə-tē, -ˈplis-tē\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded
2 a : lack of subtlety or penetration : innocence, naiveté b : folly, silliness
3 : freedom from pretense or guile : candor
4 a : directness of expression : clarity b : restraint in ornamentation : austerity
a. Lack of sophistication or subtlety; naiveté.
b. Lack of good sense or intelligence; foolishness.
a. Clarity of expression.
b. Austerity in embellishment.
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded
2 a : lack of subtlety or penetration : innocence, naiveté b : folly, silliness
3 : freedom from pretense or guile : candor
4 a : directness of expression : clarity b : restraint in ornamentation : austerity
a. Lack of sophistication or subtlety; naiveté.
b. Lack of good sense or intelligence; foolishness.
a. Clarity of expression.
b. Austerity in embellishment.
my twee woorde
vir hierdie
jaar van 2010
*botaniese afdruk, wat ek nie meer kan onthou van waar nie
Monday, February 8, 2010
koekies en my mojo
mmmm, hoe sit mens die geur van koekies wat bak
op jou blog?
enige raad?
ja, ek is deesdae goed aan die bak en brou
hierdie is my skuimpies, of dan 'meringue'
van die ander aand
op jou blog?
enige raad?
ja, ek is deesdae goed aan die bak en brou
hierdie is my skuimpies, of dan 'meringue'
van die ander aand
my eerste skuimpies ooit
ek is chuffed met myself!
nou sit ek hier met die geur
van koekies wat bak in die oond
'n hemelse geur
wat ek wil bottel
en uithaal
elke keer wanneer ek my mojo verloor het
resep van
Ann gee vir mens voedsel vir jou siel ook
kyk bietjie rond daar by haar
ek dink dit is die rotskoekies
wat ek leer bak het in St 6
sal moet proe
wanneer dit klaar is
ek kan nie wag nie
Sunday, February 7, 2010
kiekies, nooit geneem nie
'n piepklein voeltjie wat op my hand rus, nadat sy teen die glasdeur vasgevlieg het en ek wat staan en wonder wat en hoe ek haar gaan voer om haar groot te kry, totdat sy met 'n paar vlerk klappies opvlieg uit my hand en in 'n palmboom gaan rus en ek luister na my hart wat klop doef, doef, doef...
kiekies, nooit geneem nie
en waar die idee vandaan kom
Friday, February 5, 2010
vrydag, pffff
by die Bybelstudie
het ek so gesit en luister
na die ander vrouens
se stories oor hulle mans
en net weereens besef
dat al kom alles tot stilstand in my lewe
en al val alles uitmekaar
dat my man
die een konstante
is in my lewe
elke dag
elke uur
elke minuut
elke sekonde
'n wonderlike webwerf om jou te help om jou 'desktop' skoon te maak
dit is wat ek vandag gaan doen.
'n wonderlike webwerf om jou te help om jou 'desktop' skoon te maak
dit is wat ek vandag gaan doen.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
my mojo is weg
nee, dis net chuckie
die snaaksie
deur vriende aan my man gegee
ek't haar in 'n kas gekry
na ons troue
daar langs die opwasbak
laat sy my wel lag
al kan sy dan nie my mojo
terug gee nie
ai, dit voel asof alles, alles in my lewe verkeerd is
dit is nou alles behalwe my huwelik
as dit nie was vir die Yank nie
het ek seker in 'n bondel bly le elke dag
ek sien dit gaan ook nie al dag goed met ander nie
ek sien dit gaan ook nie al dag goed met ander nie
se dit soveel beter as ek,
maar ek verstaan presies
ja, ek doen
woorde om aan vas te hou
as alles faal
is daar altyd Winnie the Pooh
in hierdie maand van harte
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